Apply Filters, Sorting and Formulas to Excel Data easily by formatting the data as a table.
Create Your Table
Select the Top-Left Most Cell of your Data;
Click the 'Insert' Tab followed by the Table Icon
The following Box will appear, with all your data selected. If your data has headers, make sure the box is ticked and then Click 'OK'
You have now created a table!
Customising Your Table
You can customise the table to suit your needs through the 'Table Design' Tab, Click on any cell within the table and then the 'Table Design' Tab will appear at the top of the page.
Table Styles
You can change the colour of your table using the table Styles menu
Table Style Options
The Table Style Options tab allows you to change other aspects of the table format, such as whether or not to include filter buttons on the columns. It also enables you to add a 'Totals' Row to the bottom of your table that will dynamically update when filters are applied to the table.
Using your table
Slicing and Filtering
Tables can use the same filters that you would usually be able to add to your data column.
In Table Design Tools, you can also add a slicer to your document to show a graphical filter for your table. Click 'Insert Slicer' And Choose the columns you want to create Slicers for. I have created Slicers for 'Favourite Animal' and 'Animal Family'
The Slicers will then appear and can be used to apply filters by clicking them.
Here I have selected 'Big Cats' On my Animal Family Slicer. This has filtered the table to only Big Cats and updated the Total column to 3. It has also greyed out the Animals that are now hidden in the Favourite Animal Slicer.
Adding Columns to your table
If you enter a value in the column directly to the right of your table, a new column will be automatically added to the table.
Similarly, using the 'Insert' option on a column within your table will automatically insert a table column
Adding Formulas to your Table
Populating a Cell in an empty column will result in the entire column being dynamically filled with your formula:
Changing the formula in one cell will also update the entire Column: